Letter to my Inner Child


I want you to know that you are loved. You are safe and you are protected. There is nothing that you did to attract hurtful people who robbed you of your innocence. And because you did not attract it you do not have to feel guilty. Inside you are screaming and want to cry out for help. And I am here to tell you to let it out because I am here to hold you and love you back to life again. In my arms you are safe and you are loved. You no longer have to hide behind your mask, you no longer have to pretend to be okay. You are a magician skilled in hiding the hurt from yourself. The poem that you have repeated over and over in your head was a great coping skill… and has helped you survive this far.

Music by Charles Chaplin, Lyrics by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons

And now you can finally let it out. Your emotional release is liberating and transformational. Don’t you worry, Negrita, I got you! Your suffering was not in vein. Your courage coupled with vulnerability and compassion makes you the perfect person to liberate so many women from their inner child that wants so badly to be seen, protected and loved.



Memory of my Sexual Trauma